
Secure Apps

Illustration, Infographic Design

Secure Apps

Information architecture in practice

Small businesses and organizations with limited IT staff have several problems in their IT environment. 
Some of these issues include: high network maintenance costs, obsolete/legacy software, lack of secure data sharing, and the great effort expended in training employees in Cyber Security best practices, among others.

Secure Apps offers clients a Cloud-based network monitoring, bandwidth monitoring, a backup that ensures that clients’ management and maintenance is done in an economic manner. They bring their technical and security expertise to address the problems mentioned above by: analyzing the problem spectrum, researching an automated solution, designing a customized solution, and developing it in the end. 

We created and axonometric system divided into three general steps in order to illustrate this whole path.

The challenge was designing an infographic sequence showing all the steps in between, starting from “The Problem”, through “The Approach” and finishing in the “Implementation” phase. 
We have created a customized illustration so that the whole process could be described. It is a simple solution for a complex communication message and the outcome is a very close an accessible language to the public, extremely simple but powerful at the same time. 

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