
Piria en Bici

Corporate Identity Design, Illustration

Piria en Bici


We truly believe that design can change life. This was a Jogo initiative, sponsored by Ricadi Hotel in Piriapolis, Uruguay.
The goal was to promote the concepts of healthy life, sports and environment protection. We also love biking so we had this idea to make a lane all around Piriapolis so that tourists and locals could visit these beautiful beaches by bike. It encourages a sustainable and free form of transportation.  So, we have created an identity system to support some promotional and branding pieces such as a logo, posters, maps and bike accessories. The system turned out into a rich number of pieces with a very clean and fresh look and feel. After its launch, the municipality of Maldonado (a Uruguayan state) showed interest in the initiative and proposed to accomplish the project under its sponsorship.

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